People say having 2 under 2 is hard, well try having 2 under the age of 1. Being pregnant while trying to raise an infant was hard, now it's even harder. I love both of my children very much, but they both can be handfuls at times. Even with the help of my parents (thank you very much) it has been difficult.
Kyle just turned 1 and I swear the terrible 2s have hit him already. He is now crawling and pulling himself up so he is into everything. Because he is getting into everything and going places he shouldn't be going he has been hearing the word no and he does not like it very much. When you tell him no he will either bang his head down or try and smack you. I am really hoping that this is just a phase and that he will outgrow it......SOON!
Sariah, I swear is already spoiled and is a bottomless pit.The reason why I say she is spoiled is because she will cry and as soon as you pick her up she stops, and this is after she has been feed, burped and changed. Now when it comes to eating I often wonder where she is putting it all (when she doesn't spit it back up, which has been known to happen when she decides not to burp). Sleeping is another challenge in my house.
Sariah is doing well with night time. She seems to have decided that her bedtime is somewhere between 7 and 8 pm. Then she will wake up usually between 1-2am for a feeding and then go back to sleep. Depending on her last feeding she will wake up anywhere between 4 and 6 am. So we are getting about a 4-6 hour sleep time at night between feedings which is awesome. I am hoping that by 6 weeks that she is sleeping through the night.
I am trying to get Kyle back on a normal sleep schedule for daytime naps and a bedtime routine. If Sariah keeps it up with her going to bed before 8 that is awesome because it will allow me to work on Kyle's bedtime routine. My goal is to have Kyle in bed and asleep by 9pm, 9:30 at the latest. This means that we will start our bedtime routine at 8pm and lay down around 8:45 pm.
Daytime naps are going to be a bit harder, but he seems to get sleepy after meals. So I am gonna start letting him play for about an hour after he wakes up (or until he starts getting fussy for breakfast)then feed him and let him play for a little bit longer. Then from there lay him down for a short morning nap (I am thinking about 45 mins). After lunch is when I want him to take his long nap, because I have noticed that he starts getting fussy/cranky around 4 /5 and wants to take a nap. So if I can get him to take a 2 hour nap around 1 pm that would help me out a lot.
In the end my goal is to have them taking at least 1 nap at the same time so I can rest as well, but we will see.
I know that the next few months, even years will be a challenge, but I am totally up for it.
I have decided that the Happiest Baby on the Block and the Happiest Toddler on the Block books will be a wise investment.
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