Sir Walter Scott - Marmion
I'm not one to pass judgment upon people(everyone has their reasons for doing what they do), but this young woman is either just poor evil or very disturbed.
To give you a bit of a background:
Young Jerica is a member of several different facebook groups, and she has been claiming to be pregnant, well not any more.
Here is the basic time line of events
(Feb 2nd gave birth to her daughter that passed away a few days later. Now we are giving birth to another little girl 10 + weeks early, which doesn't add up cause she would have already been pregnant when she conceived this one!)
July 23 she was admitted into the hospital for high blood pressure, gonna keep her there till it's safe to deliver (most likely around 32 weeks/ also went from being 24 weeks to 29 weeks due to baby head /belly measurements)
July 24th i had a seizure early this morning. and i'm starting to dilate.
@ 6pm induction started
@ 6:25ish she was 6 cm
@ 8:08pm she posted a picture of Saniya at 25minutes old
@9:27 saniya sharkay lynette smith was born with stats 3lbs 4oz 16inches long
So wait a second she was able to post a picture of her daughter at 8pm when her daughter hadn't been born yet, wow that is so amazing.
@8:55pm she wishes she could hold her baby, but they say it will be a few weeks.
July 25th Held her daughter for the first time. She won't be able to go home till at least 6-8 they will check and see if she is able to breath on her own. And it could be up to 3 or 4 months before she is allowed to come home. Or another update said 6-9 weeks
@9:27 welp my baby girl as officially lived the first two hours of her life :) (again something seems a bit off)
July 27th Saniya will be able to come home when she reaches 5lbs5oz if she does good with feedings (and I assume is off the breathing machines)
She has also gained 3 oz prayers are working, if she keeps this up she'll be home when she reaches the weight they want.
Now they changed the weight to only 4lbs 7oz off breathing machine for a week and able to eat w/o feeding tube for 24hrs
July 29th Still using a feeding tube (which is to be expected)
July 31st 1 week old ( taken off breathing machine?? Based on later post)
August 1st Saniya went in for assessment
August 3rd 3 days down and 4 more days she will have been off the breathing machine for a week
August 4th Possibly, 4 more days and she'll be off a
breathing machine for a week then she'll nearly meet the preemie expectations
August 5th 3 more days!!!!!!! :) cant wait. ♥ the count down begins. Till it has been a week since she was taken off the breathing machines
August 6th Baby is suppose to come home from hospital @ 7am not even 2 weeks old and they are letting the baby come home
I don't remember seeing any updates about being taken off the breathing machines or even the feeding tube being removed, just that how long baby would have been off.
During all of this she has been out getting drunk just about every night, so where are the other kids?
Now Jerica is also the mother to twins, however she always seems to find the time to be out partying, drinking and getting high.
Now we finally outed her on Facebook (I don't think any of her fb friends are real, because they can't be that blind). As seen below Jerica claimed that her daughter was released, and the picture that she used claiming it was her daughter was taken off another website..uh oh Jerica. OF course she claimed this website stole her picture..umm this article was up long before your daughter was released, and how amazing that they were able to steal her picture and right a full length article in just 20 mins.
Once she was outed she deleted her facebook page and made another one. To me wouldn't you challenge what people are saying, especially if you really did have a daughter that was in the NICU.
It worries me to see that this woman has no issue about lying about being pregnant, and giving birth. That deceiving is okay for her and it just seems to come easily.
But those webs of lies are slowly coming apart, and soon she will be left alone.
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