Friday, May 11, 2012

Oh The Simple Things

If there is one thing that having children has taught me (besides patience), it is that you can find joy even in the simplest things. Before I had even gotten pregnant I always told myself that my kids would have the best of everything, toys, clothing, etc. Once I got pregnant with Kyle we didn't have a lot of money, so it was a lot of second hand stuff that was bought. No biggie, because I soon realized that he quickly grew out of things or had no interest in the toys he did have. What has brought him the biggest joys are boxes! He has a love of boxes both big and small. They make the best of toys! We have one really big box that is turned on it's side. Kyle uses that box as kinda like a hideout and he thinks it is the coolest thing ever.

So here is my advice, if you ever think you need a lot of gadgets or toys to make you happy take a lesson from Kyle. Just enjoy the small simple things of life.

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