Friday, May 11, 2012

Home Owners

     So we finally signed the papers last week and we got the house for an ending price of $16,000! I am super excited and nervous. I have never actually owned a house before and I think the last big purchase I made was my car. The nice thing about paying cash outright for the house is no more house payments. There is a piece of mind that comes with knowing you own the house, that no one can take it away from you. Now when you first see the house you would probably think to yourself, "what the heck where you thinking?!" Yes, as of right now the house kinda has that death trap look to it, but it's not really that bad. There are some major things that need to be fixed but there are also the minor things that make it look much better. What I love about this house is that I can make it my house. I can tear down walls, put walls up, add rooms, paint the walls and just do whatever.
      What really got me excited about the house was the huge backyard! While we were waiting for our agent to come show us the house we went in the backyard. Kyle and Sariah loved it. They loved running / crawling through the grass. I could just picture being outside and watching the kids playing as they get older. I could see my garden in the corner and the berry bushes lining the fence. When we first went in the house the kids went nuts. It's probably the biggest house they have been in yet. It felt like home even though it was completely empty. I could picture Vincent in his office doing his work while me and the kids are in the kitchen making lunch. I could picture their laughter echoing through the house as well as their screaming at one another.
      All I can say is that this house is a blessing, and had it not been for God I am not sure we would have gotten it.

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