Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Home Owners

Where to live
Over the last 3 months or so we have discussed where and how we wanted to live. Questions we posed were: do we move back to Utah, do we do full time rv live and split our time, or do we look into possibly getting another house. For the longest time the choice was to full time out of a big rv, and we had even found our dream rv. This however changed about a week ago when Vincent had a job in Richmond, IN. As we were driving back from Richmond through Liberty we happened to notice a house for sale. The price from what we could see said $49k. Wow was that cheap we thought, and then we decided to look into houses in Liberty. We both like Liberty a lot. It's just a nice, quiet small Indiana town. Well we started looking and we came across a 2300 sq ft house for $20,000! We couldn't believe it and so we had to take a closer look. From the pictures you can tell some work needed to be done, and then the agent over the phone told us about the work that needed to be done as well. Well that didn't stop us from scheduling an appointment.

Going to see the house
So we took my parents with us to check out this house, I mean it really is an awesome deal. As we did the walk through we saw a lot of damage, a lot of work. Some things small, some things not so small. We can't help but admit that we fell in love with this old house from the moment we went inside. Heck, I fell in love with just the backyard! As I walked through the house I could see Kyle and Sariah playing and growing up there. I could also see Vincent in his office working, the garden in the back yard, and family home evenings by the fireplace.

As we got ready to leave the agent told us that an offer had been placed on the house already. What this meant was we had to make a move rather quickly. We looked at a couple other houses in Connersville, but nothing compared to what I now call the "project house 2012". All that night we discussed what we were going to do, and then what type of offer would we make. Finally we decided that we would make an offer of  $16,000 for the house since it needed some repairs.

Making the offer
The next morning Vincent went off to work and I waited for the agent to fax me the paperwork for the offer. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. Is this really what we wanted to do, is this really where we wanted to live? Later that morning I received the fax and filled out the paperwork with the agent over the phone, signed it and e-mailed it back. It was done and our offer was going to be in later that night. My parent's reminded us that if it was God's will for us to have this house we would. Well, around 5:00 Vincent called me and told me that we should raise the offer to about $18,000. I was afraid that it would be too late since it was already after 5pm. I called the office and luckily the lady that submits the bids was still in. I asked her if it was too late to change the bid and she said no that the other agent wasn't able to get the other bid in to the office until the next day. So there we had it, the bid was raised. The agent told us that we might not know anything till Monday, so going all weekend without knowing anything was hard. Well Friday we were given a call by our agent letting us know that the bank wanted a form that showed that we were going to be the owners of the house and not resell it. This was a very good sign. We received her fax and sent it back to her. The idea of waiting all weekend was going to be hard.

Accepting our offer
Monday has since come and gone. I was nervous yet again as to what the bank would say. Then around 1pm we got a call from our agent telling us that the bank would like 10% of the offer for the earnest money to show that we are serious about the house. And that they bank had accepted our offer! Really! I couldn't believe it they had accepted it. So we packed up the kids, got the cashier's check and headed to Richmond to drop off the check. Now all we are waiting for is the bank to get us the paperwork to fill out. Once that is done we can have the home inspection (which worries us) and then move in. I can't believe how fast all this is going, but I can't wait to have a house again. This means that both kids will have their own rooms, Vincent can have an office and we will still have a spare bedroom!

To keep up to date with what is going on check out Project house 2012

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