About Me

I am a 30 year old mother of 2 wonderful children. Am I perfect, no. I don't claim to be anywhere near perfect (although if you ask my husband he will tell you otherwise).

A good way to describe me is this:
♥ I've carried a child within my body. Slept with a baby on my chest, I've kissed boo boos and mended broken hearts. I've been puked on, peed on, pooped on and spent sleepless nights in the rocking chair. But I wouldn't have it any other way. My body isn't magazine perfect, but when I look in the mirror I see a MOM, and there is no greater honor or blessing!♥

What it comes down to is these 2 simple things.
1)I am gonna say what I feel like saying. I don't censor you, so don't censor me.
2)I really don't care if you like me or not.
I am here to share my feelings on being a wife, mother and friend, and if I offend you, oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Denise, im scared and confused.so many bad things are being said about you and i dont know what to believe anymore. you know who this is. I love you guys so much and wish i could see you. i have my own blog. i hope you can find it. i didint see the reply vince sent me. i got caught. i love you so much and wish the best for all of you. i miss you, vince, kyle, and sariah, even though i havent met her. i love you and want you to stay where you are.
