Today is Tuesday Nov 15th, however the troubles started last night. Let me just give you a quick run through of how things have gone down so far.
Last night: Sariah has been having gas/constipation issues (something I am working on trying to fix). Anyway, around 6pm she became rather fussy, usually around this time she takes a short nap after a little bottle. Well, being gassy makes it hard to sleep. So I laid down with her, Kyle laid himself down (such a good boy). So around 8pmish she woke up (and by this time I guess she had relaxed enough to finally poop). Gave her a bottle and she played for a little bit. Well around 9pm (maybe later) Kyle decided that he would wake up and join the party.
Now Kyle hasn't been eating like he used to, for some reason he wants to be fed like a little baby. So knowing that he probably had to be hungry I fed him some baby food. I knew all to well that Kyle wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon. Either way I laid Sariah in bed and she went right to sleep.
Kyle was a bit more difficult and didn't want to go back to bed. I took him in my room and let him crawl around on the bed and play (he loves our bed). Well he finally fell back to sleep around 1am and so I moved him back to his own bed.
Well, come 6:30 / 7 am I get a wake up call from Sariah and Kyle. Sariah took a bottle and went right back to sleep. Kinda wish that would work with Kyle, but alas that doesn't anymore. Either way he decided he was awake for good, even though you could tell he was still tired. Heck, I even tried giving him bottle in hopes he would fall back asleep.
Is there anything wrong with giving a 16 month old a bottle of formula? I think not!
Nope, that didn't work. So I warmed him up some mini egos for breakfast and gave him some juice. Do you think he would eat them? No, they ended up being thrown around (which is his new favorite thing to do with food.
So next I decided that I would call my parents around 8am and see where they are. Had some trouble with reception, but all worked out. During this time he decided it would be a good time to stink up the apartment, yuck. Well, I changed his diaper and laid him down. Got some gaming in, even though I need to be packing. It's now 9:30 and he is awake again and has left me a little stinky surprise in his diaper yet again.
Guess it's time to change his diaper again and get to packing, and here is hoping the rest of our day goes well.
(PS: He is going to get the booster to his flu shot today)
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